S&P 500 Emini Trading School

S&P 500 Emini Trading School
Online Training Classes
Learn to trade the emini S&P 500 Futures via online classroom training. Classes are taught by professional e-mini traders in live markets. The S&P 500 has become one of the most popular trading vehicles worldwide, due to:
- Affordability - intraday margins as low as $500 per contract
- Leverage - control over $80k of equity for $500 at current prices
- Liquidity - daily volume between 1.5m and 2.5m contracts
- Accessibility - available through all futures brokers and select equity brokers
- Simplicity - learn to trade one instrument vs. 100's or 1,000's
No pre-requisites. Suitable for both novice and advanced traders. Trading experience in other fields i.e.; stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds, forex, precious metals, energy, grains - fully transferable.
Specialized areas of study:
- Platform - how to utilize the dtPro Platform and it's many features
- Charts - formatting, time zones, time frames, time, tick, range and volume
- Simulator - proper use of the DOM including brackets, limits, stops, targets, m.i.t. etc..
- Drawing Tools - trend lines, price channels, fibonacci retracments, fibonacci extensions
- Multiple Time Frame Analysis - 4 tick range / hourly / daily and more
- Chart Patterns - double tops and bottoms, pennants, bull and bear flags, triangles and more...
- Candlestick Patterns - doji, shooting star, hammer, hanging man, dark cloud cover etc...
- Forecasting - larger time frame outlook based on technical and fundamental data
- Technical Analysis - basic through advanced techniques
- Volume Analysis - interpreting bid vs ask data via the DOM
- Price Action - read and understand price movement without indicators
- Methodology - combining all the above to locate high probability setups
- Slingshot Trader® - one trade setup for any market
- 60 live online e-mini training sessions in live markets (120 hours total)
- 12 online e-mini workshops (24-36 hours total)
- access to CFRN e-mini Weekly Trading Zones® for 12 weeks
- access to online e-mini video training library w/ over 200 hours of training videos
- access to online e-mini video trading library w/ over 140 hours live trading videos
- 20 minute psychological and emotional evaluation
- 90 day e-mini mentoring program
- unlimited access to mentors via email / telephone / skype / gotowebinar
- instructors trade real capital in real time
- private one-on-one training by appointment
- e-mini business plan development
- e-mini trading plan development
- e-mini trading platform with charts and live data for 90 days
- e-mini trade simulator
- proprietary e-mini indicator set (lifetime entitlement)
Emini Trading School classes are held every trading day from 9:30AM - 11:30AM Eastern.
Speak with an enrollment counselor for current pricing.
Tuition reimbursement and several financing options are available.
Classes are on a continuous cycle. No waiting required to begin training.
Available. Ask for details.
S&P 500 Emini Trading School | Chart Examples
Sunday Night Globex Open - During your 90 day training and mentoring period, you never know when the next trading lesson will come your way. Sunday afternoon, shortly after the Globex open, the following message went out-
ESM3 - Consider being short below 1624 or long above 1632, whichever presents first
Often these e-mini and commodity trading alerts will present both long and short opportunities. One does not cancel the other and we have a core belief that important prices are almost always tested. Often... multiple times. Let's see exactly how this played out in real time.
S&P 500 Emini Futures - Globex Open Tweet
This S&P 500 Trading Alert went out on Sunday afternoon, 36 minutes after the Globex session opened. This alert has created 6 trading opportunities so far. The total maximum possible cumulative point gain from this single alert is 29 points. Would we expect any S&P 500 Trader to capture all 29 points? No. Is it actually possible? Technically... yes.
CFRN Partners are taught a methodology which embraces 2 points a day as a solid foundation for building their E-mini Trading Business. More than the foundation, it's also the walls, the roof, the chimney with smoke curling out, in fact, you can even see the light Thomas Kincaid left on through the front window.
What's my point? If you only captured 1/3 of what the market made available (so far), you would only need 4 more ticks to finish your week on a Monday night. A bit unsettling? Feeling.. not worthy? Let's press on for a bit.
DOW E-mini (YM) Charts
We also issued an alert for the Dow E-mini Futures (YM) at the same time. Here is the alert which by the way, is still available on Twitter as is all of our E-mini Trading Alerts for the past few years.
YMM3 - Consider being long above 15145 or short below 15085.
And how did that pan out?
DOW Emini Futures (YM) Tweet
The market made 233 points available on this alert. Again, to keep it realistic, capturing only 1/4 would equate to 58 Dow points which is equivalent to 5.8 S&P 500 points. Or, a half a weeks work if that's how you traded it. Perhaps you pulled 2 points last night, 2 today and now you're peacefully sleeping with the quiet confidence that you'll arise tomorrow, pray, meditate, take a walk, have a coffee... and at some point wander into the orchard and pluck another red delicious from the tree o' plenty. Manna for the day...
Speaking of sleep... one last chart and I'm off to get some. The only other alert that triggered on the Sunday night Globex open was July Soybeans. Here's the alert -
ZSN3 - I see 2 options. Consider buying a pullback to $15.00 or buying 15.27 Stop.
July Soybeans (ZSN3) Alert
Soybeans pay $50 per penny of movement. A 1 Penny move in Soybeans is the same as a 1 Point move in the S&P 500 E-mini. The "important price" theory we discussed earlier in this article, is reflected in the price 15.27. The market made 33 Cents available or $1,650.00 per contract traded.
If you only caught the first move for the entire 11 cents... take the rest of the week off. At a daily goal of 2 points in the S&P or 2 cents in the Beans..... you're done. See you next Sunday night. This is where I should back pedal and say "Well, even though we really sent the alert and the market really did make the move, and Soybeans really do pay $50 per penny of movement, it's just not possible.
Well guess what? It is possible! You saw the alert, you watched it trade, it is possible. It's also very true that trading is risky and you can lose all of your money and then some. It really is true that just because this trade ran 11 cents, there is no guarantee that Soybeans will ever in our lifetime have an 11 cent move. I mean hey... that's the truth right?
So what's my suggestion? LEARN HOW TO TRADE!
If you don't like the cut of my jib, get your training somewhere else. Check the references of course, but do get some legitimate training somewhere. If it's real, it will shave years off the learning curve and has the potential to save you tens if not hundreds of thousands of $$$'s.
Honestly? I would love to be your mentor. That's right... I'm applying for a job. In fact, my partner and I will work for you for 5 days absolutely free. If you don't like what you learn, kick us to the curb. If you do, we would love to work for you. It's up to you...
(All Charts courtesy of dtPro)
Call us toll free @ 866-928-3310 during normal business hours.
After Dark - email support@cfrn.net or call 949-42-EMINI
Please leave a review on iTunes

Reader Comments (20)
What markets do you teach? Just the s and p 500?
CT's not around I guess so I will try to answer your question. They don't trade the S&P that much in the morning. Mostly crude and gold. Soybeans, russell and some natty gas. Hope that helps.
We trade the S&P when there are setups. Due to the nature of the S&P (plodding beast) we normally don't see more than 1 or 2 setups during the live trading room each day. Gold and Crude on the other hand, along with the Russell, create more opportunities than we can shake a stick at.
The beauty of it is this... we use the same time frame, the same indicators and the same methodology for every single market. With our indicators and our setup, you never have to learn another market. Once you master the trade, you can walk into any market, at any time, and simply apply the setup.
Come take the free trial in the live trading room and we'll show you exactly how it works.
ps/ Thanks for pinch hitting Darin!
What e-mini trading platform do you use?
Which course do I take to learn the Dow Jones YM? Do you teach how to trade the YM? I've been told that is the best market for a beginner because it's only $5 per point and it trends better. Is that true? (in your opinion)
Do you have a class every day at the same time? Is there a live instructor or do I just watch videos?
We use the dtPro Platform provided by Daniels Trading. It works great and is very easy to use. When you take our free trial http://cfrn.net/apply you not only spend 5 days in the Live Trading Room, you also get to download the platform and use it for a week.
Our course is unique because we teach you one trade setup which you can use across multiple markets. The Dow is good for a beginner as it only risks $5 per point and has a tendency to trend better than the S&P. Take the free trial and I will show you.
We teach a live e-mini futures trading class every trading day from 9:30AM - 11:30AM EDT. You also have access to 250 hours of live e-mini trading videos and 250 hours of e-mini training videos. The course lasts for 90 days. If you want additional access beyond that it is available. Private tutoring is available to our Partners at no additional charge. Take the free trial to learn more - http://cfrn.net/apply
How long is this e-mini course? Will I need to take another course after this one? Some places it seems there is always one more course you have to take to be successful. I hope I don't sound like I have a bad attitude but that has been my experience.
You say the instructor trades live. Which e-mini does he trade? Do we get to actually watch him? Does he trade with a real account?
Can you please give me the best way to speak to somebody live? I have many questions and I can't type very good.
Great questions! We do not up-sell. One of the very popular companies you see on late night TV walks you through a 5 level up-sell at $7k a pop. When you're done, you've spent $35k and according to some of our Partners, you still don't know how to trade. I can't say for sure because I've never taken the course.
We teach you everything we know in 90 days. Here's the deal though, God willing... we will continue to learn something new every day. At the end of the 90 day course, we will have taught you all we know up to that point. If you want to continue to hang out n the Live E-mini Trading Room, attend the CFRN Partner Workshops and receive the Weekly Trading Zones each week, there is a monthly maintenance fee of $75/mth. However, the Proprietary E-mini Indicator Set is yours to keep for life. Also, any new indicators we create and release to the Partners, you are entitled to them, even if you are not an active Partner. If you have any other questions please call me @ 949-42-EMINI.
Michael is our lead trader and he trades real money, in real time, in front of real people, every trading day. He trades the S&P 500 E-mini (ES), the Dow Jones E-mini (YM), the Nasdaq-100 E-mini (NQ) and the Russell E-mini (TF). In addition, he also trades Crude, Gold, Soybeans, the Euro and the Yen.
How is that possible you ask? Quite simple. We use one time frame and one set of indicators to trade every market I just mentioned. As you watch Michael trade live, you will see the only thing that ever changes is the symbol. It's quite remarkable and I encourage you to come take the Free Trial and see it for yourself.
We also re-cap our trades each day on the radio show. We then post a video of all our trades on our web site and also on You Tube. However, nothing beats seeing it happen live in real time. Take the trial, seeing is believing! http://cfrn.net/apply
I know exactly how you feel. Call 866-928-3310 to talk with Burt or Leslie. They can help you with any questions you have regarding the E-mini Trading Platform, E-mini Charts and E-mini Indicators. They can also answer your questions about funding and opening an actual trading account.
If your questions have more to do with our strategy and what we teach, call myself or Michael @ 949-42-EMINI. The toll free number above is good week days during normal business hours, the other number is good any time including nights and weekends. You can also reach us via email support@cfrn.net or on Twitter @CFRN.
Do you teach Fibonacci trading? Does that work on emini trading?
I still have a day job. Is there anyway for me to learn how to trade?
How much can I make?
I spent several years studying Fibonacci for E-mini Trading. I do use Fibonacci for market analysis and as a conformation tool. What I learned after several difficult years is that Fibs are not a stand alone trading methodology. When you draw Fib retracements on a chart, you are presented with multiple potential entries. If you pick the right one, then all is well. If you don't, then you and your money are soon parted.
Used properly and for the right reasons, it is a fascinating and helpful trading tool.
I have written several articles on Fibs you might find of interest. Go to our Blog - http://cfrn.net/emini-news-blog and use the search function to look for "Fibs or Fibonacci". You can also Google CFRN + Fibonacci and obtain the same results. I provide specific uses and also charts to help explain the process I employ.
Take the free trial and I'll make sure you at least gain a better working knowledge of Fibs and how to use them properly as you build your E-mini Trading Business.
That's a great question. You can make as much money as an E-mini Trader as your knowledge and skill set will allow. Our goal is to help you learn to net 2 points a day trading the S&P 500 E-mini or similar market. As you become confident and consistent, we will teach you how to increase the number of contracts you trade. Due to the immense liquidity of the S&P, there truly is no limitation on your earning potential. Of course all trading is risky and you could lose all your money.
Take our 1 Week Free Trial and let us show you what we do.