Emini Podcast / The Daily Futures 11/18/11
So how's that working for you?
You know what I mean...
That story you hand the guy in the mirror every morning.
What happens when he stops buying it?
Sports car? Girl friend? Toupe'? Hairpin turn? Cliff dive?
Even if it puts you out of your misery for more than a moment does it really solve anything?
Wouldn't it be nice to live just one day bathed in truth? Nobody's junk in your trunk? No half baked, spoon fed, shallow garbage renting space in your head?
Darn right it would be nice. So nice in fact, why settle for just one day?
Why not pull the plug right now and watch every falsehood you were ever told about trading and life just circle the drain. You can do it. BE FREE! You need not be a prisoner. The walls you've allowed others to build around you, or that you have crudely constructed yourself can be felled in a single breath.
Breathe in, breathe out, it's all gone.
Try it...
Now nobody ever accused me of being the sharpest tool in the shed. Heck, I'm just thankful to be a tool. Some people will look at the chart below and say "I don't get it". Other folks will say "It's a trick", and last but not least, according to the experts - a whopping 63% of you won't even click on the chart because the man in the mirror has you convinced that you already know everything you need to know. That's why the brokerman keeps sending you that fat check every month... right?
It's entirely possible that you may have heard someone say I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. Oh... right, that was me. But here's my point - It doesn't matter how early you get up or how much deer urine you spray on yourself, if you can't see it..... you can't see it. Period.
I played a Ray Charles song at the beginning of the broadcast today because last night in the Partner's Workshop I intimated that the blind gets in the way of the trophy. I also said nobody doesn't like Sara Lee. Plus I'm from Georgia. (Sweet Georgia)
Experts agree that by now 74.3% of you think I'm crazy. My life coach (currently doing time with James Ray) says that's OK and I should embrace it.
WOW! The steam just cleared and the mirror isn't quite so foggy. So why isn't that brokerman sending you a fat check every month? hmmmm?
Let's get to the bottom of this. As my 43 folders friend would not say - Get a list.
Now let's go down that list:
- You have a statistical edge - check
- You have a plan - check
- You execute your plan without fail or hesitation - checkers anyone?
Illusions are great fun but ask anyone who ever worked for David Copperfield how magical they feel after a show. They don't. They just want to go home and shower. Take that for what it's worth.
Am I saying there is no majic? No wonderment? No Santa Claus?
No. Not yet. I'll get to that later. I'm just saying there's a thin line between illusion and delusion and for such a thin line it's a mighty big home to an awful lot of traders.
It's a little early for Christmas gifts but let me put a big red bow on this -
The brokerman DID send a big fat check to somebody this month. He also sent him one last month, and so far it looks like he'll be sending him another one again next month. Who is this guy?
If he's not the guy in the mirror then pull your head out of your chart and get with the program.
What program? The real program. You can only pretend for so long...
Stop hoping, stop making excuses, stop throwing money at the market, stop bowing down before false guru's. It's time to sack up, bite the bullet, and LEARN HOW TO TRADE!
I can give you a red hot trade every day for a year and then cross the street one fateful day for my 11:15 cupa' joe and suddenly meet my destiny with a Phoenix Metro Ligh Rail 30 seconds ahead of schedule.
Now what? Find another guru? Go broke? Apply for welfare? Drive your Gremlin off a cliff (not you Cliff) with a mop on your head in hopes no one will recognize you because you can't afford a decent toupe'?
Aren't you sick and tired of waiting for somebody to give you a trade?
No seriously. Aren't you?
You know what, I wasn't going to go down this path but here I am - There is no Santa Claus except you. Get up, work hard, use lay-away, cry because the instructions are in Mandarin ( as will be the Pledge of Allegiance soon) and when the dawn breaks deliver the goods by the sweat of your own brow (biblical) not someone else's.
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