Emini Podcast / The Daily Futures 11/02/11

As predicted the QE3 looms large on the horizon. Good idea? Bad idea? It doesn't matter. Unlike the good folk of Greeceland, you have no say in it. I know you think you understand what it really is and why they are doing it and why the markets seem to like it. Trust me, unless you've seen the following video you really don't understand it. Now before we cozy up for the movie I do want to bring this tid-bit to your attention. People are leaving Greece by the BUS-load. It's true. Now they think they're simply leaving their troubles behind, and that's ok. Just between you and me they are leaving something else behind... it's really big and really important - OPPORTUNITY!
That great big sucking noise you hear as they all beat feet is creating a vacuum that can only be filled by brave capitalistic souls willing to step into the carnage of a failed socialistic bureaucracy , plant a flag and roll their own baklava. It was on this very radio program almost 7 years ago that we were screaming at the top of our lungs - Don't buy the houses / Don't take the loans / Buy Gold and Silver
We're not screaming about Greece just yet. First everyone has to leave. Now don't get me wrong, we take zero pleasure in broken hearts, failed dreams, or the sheer agony of it all. In fact quite the opposite. Our thoughts and prayers are very much with the people of Greece. May God have much mercy and generous grace. May there be a swift and successful resolution to it all.
Let me bring it home a minute to make sure I'm getting through. When the real estate bubble burst here in the US we were on this radio program screaming - Buy the houses / Take the loans / Keep buying Gold and Silver
We took our own advice. 3 families we don't know lost their homes. Homes they paid $700k for, sat on the market for over a year. By the grace of God we bought those homes for pennies on the dollar. Was that a good deal? I think so. Do those people serve the same God I serve? Quite possibly. Is that fair? The only fair I'm familiar with is the State Fair. What's my point? Treat everyone you meet with dignity and respect. As you climb the ladder of success be careful who you step on because you may meet them on the way back down. The real point is Carpe' Diem. Seize whatever opportunity God puts in front of you. Rarely are we given the whole picture. Sometimes we get a glimpse. Do this... pray for the people of Greece and keep an eye on the landscape over the next few years. From real estate to business, great opportunities will rise from the ashes. It's the circle of life. As a dear friend of mine says "Stay alert, stay alive!"
Now, on to our educational, kick in the pants funny video. (beware there is some "adult" language in this video and is not intended for children or socialists)
See don't you feel smarter? The situation has changed a little since this was first created. It's worse! But the truth remains the same. Like I said, keep your eye on Greece. If nothing else the food is awesome and the views are stunning.
Live Emini Trading Room Recap
Michael will be back in the saddle tomorrow. Yee-hah!
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