Emini Podcast / The Daily Futures 11/04/11

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou survived a parliamentary confidence vote on Saturday, avoiding snap elections which would have torpedoed Greece's debt crisis bailout deal and inflamed the euro zone's economic crisis.
But the nation remained mired in political, social and economic turmoil and Papandreou signaled he would stand down, calling for a new coalition to ram the 130-billion-euro bailout deal through parliament and avoid the nation going bankrupt.
Papandreou's socialist government won with 153 votes in the 300 member parliament.
So... do the markets gap up or down on the Globex open Sunday night? More specifically, where does the Euro open? Our advice on the broadcast today was one of extreme caution. In our opinion the best position was no position. We'll watch the open Sunday night and TWEET the TRADES as they present themselves. We might miss a few points either way on a gap, but our risk is controlled and we get 2 good sleeps between now and then.
Those Incredible Men and their Trading Zones
If you watch the Tuesday night video recap I talk specifically about the importance of 1256/1257 as resistance if the market musters a rally. This area which was reached at the end of Thursday's broadcast presented several stellar opportunities as highlighted below.
It's possible that you've never taken our FREE TRIAL or you're simply new to CFRN-town. It may seem highly unlikely that price could be attracted to and rejected by a 1 point range multiple times with such great energy and that we the citizens of this humble burg could actually be anticipating the big party in our charts, days in advance. Not only is it a regular occurrence around these parts, we hope you'll stick around and join us for the next one...
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