Emini Futures Trading / End Of Quarter

E-Mini S&P 500: Wall Street needs no mischief on April Fools Day!
The E-Mini S&P 500 remained in a tight range in quiet trading today as traders perhaps are waiting for tomorrow’s US Unemployment numbers. It is the beginning of the second quarter tomorrow! US ADP Jobs Report showed that the private employers actualized 201,000 jobs in March! Today’s US Initial Jobless Claims fell by 6,000! One gets the sense that traders remain locked and loaded for tomorrow’s trading. Friday’s can be tricky as the may be days for traders to offset positions that they may not wish to hold over the weekend. April Fool’s Day may have tomfoolery in store depending on the report numbers and the fund activity. We are looking at an acceleration of growth and recovery through our employment picture. We have viewed the Euro Zone debt problems. The ECB may raise interest rates as early as April while the US may simply augment their QE program. We still look to Libya and do not have a timeline on any end to the turmoil. Japan is still absorbed in their nuclear reactors in terms of what may be salvaged and what should be buried. They are dealing with radiation that will perhaps harm their people, contaminate their food products and contaminate the animal feed as well. The commodity products such as grains were up substantially today. Even with the USDA plantings report forecasting more acreage, the markets soared.
It’s all about the jobs tomorrow!
Friday, we look forward to the US Unemployment at 7:30 AM CST. US Construction Spending and ISM Manufacturing at 9:00 AM CST.
How do you take 21 points out of a 5 point range? You could try - "THE CHOPPER"
Friday, what to expect! We are technically still in buy mode but today’s E-Mini S&P 500 stayed in a tight range with low volume! We anticipate this market to spring out of the current range to some higher territory tomorrow. Today’s range was $1325.25 - $1320.50. The market settled at $1321.00. Our comfort zone or point of control for this market appears to be $1323.00. Our anticipated potential range for tomorrow’s trading may be $1317.50 - $1338.50. The market stays bullish above $1310.00.
Please note that timing is everything and while we may divulge a brief overview of what may affect tomorrow’s market, trade set-ups are strategically planned according to time and price action. In this marketplace, a trader needs to arm themselves with the weaponry to deploy into a complicated marketplace. The CFRN Live trading room is boot camp for your commodity future.
"Where Bright Futures Begin"
Best regards,
Leslie Burton

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