Emini FuturesCast / The Daily Pod 05/12/11
Houston, do we have a bottom? Is there more to come? Be mindful of the Euro and the direction it takes from here. Did Bin Laden's death change your life? Will you remember where you were 10 years from now?
Today’s reports were fairly good, but perhaps in the mix, the investment world is leery about the US Federal Government as the next course of action is a bit of a mystery. QE2 is set to expire June 30th, but any monetary policy changes are only chatter for now. The US Dollar also dipped taking the pressure away from the commodities markets. Initial Jobless Claims were down by 44,000 last week to 434,000. This was under expectations and does not yet reflect any improvements necessary for recovery in this area. Retail Sales Increased 0.5 , giving 9 months in a row of increased sales. This represents all sales of durable and non-durable goods. The Producer Price Index was up 0.8 while March was up 0.7 . Business Inventories were up 1.0 to $1.48 trillion which makes up a portion of our GDP growth. While most of our US Earnings reports are in and overall better to date, Goldman shares were down 4.5 % to $141.17. At this point, we may just look for the tangible commodities to give us more direction.
Tomorrow is Friday the 13th... juat sayin'.
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