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This show is so good because it not only talks about the markets , which we all are enthralled with, but also about finding out about ourselves and how it relates not only to our trading, but maybe even more important about how we see ouselves in the world we live in and how from the knowledge we take from this show can make ourselves a better human being in our life here on earth--I'll say it one more time"MAN I LOVE THIS SHOW"-thanks guys

- R.H. Canada

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« Emini FuturesCast / The Daily Pod 06/03/11 | Main | Emini FuturesCast / The Daily Pod 06/01/11 »

Emini FuturesCast / The Daily Pod  06/02/11


I've been jovial and jocular these past few days but tonight I need to be serious. You may find us engaging, entertaining, or even silly. It doesn't matter. Between the clever comments and questionable humor, we deliver Trading Knowledge that you simply won't find anywhere else. The good, the bad, the reality, that's what we bring to the table. Our podcasts contain over 2,000 hours of Trading Truth. Follow us and you'll quickly learn what works and what doesn't. You'll learn the difference between possibility and probability. Our goal is not to teach you how to beat the market or even to outsmart it, because the bottom-line is, you can't. It's just too big. And that my friend is how we help you turn your human fraility and weakness into supernatural strength. We teach you not how to fight, but how to flow.

Like a bamboo tree, our strength is in our flexibility.

Tonight in the Partners Meeting, Michael unveiled our newest and potentially most powerful tool yet. It's designed to keep you on the right side of the market.

  • Any market
  • Any time frame
  • Right side

How cool is that?

All Current Active Partners will have guaranteed free access to this tool. Going forward this indicator will become a Stand-Alone Product. Anyone who has taken our Free Trial and/or participated in our 2 Day - End Is Near event this past week will still be given the opportunity to become a CFRN Partner and have the "Elbow Indicator" grand fathered in. Once you see the Elbow in action you will never trade without it. Not the Mini, not the Grains, not the Metals, not nothing, not no way, not no how.  It's just that powerful...

If you do become a Partner before Midnight this Friday - June 3, 2011 we will include the Elbow with your package. After midnight tomorrow, we will add an additional $995.00 to the cost of the Partnership Package and/or offer it as a stand-alone indicator without support for $995.00. (it's that good)

The current cost to become a CFRN Lifetime Partner is $3,500.00. This includes the following

CFRN Indicator Set 
Designed for All Markets & All Time Frames


Training and Mentoring
2 months unlimited telephone and email support
8 training workshops / 1 class per week for 2 months
80 hours of live daily trading and training / 2 hours per day
2 months of our Weekly Trading Zones
Unlimited access to our Video Training Library 


Ongoing Training and Support 
After 2 months, you will have access to the following on a month to month basis as desired -
Daily live trading room (2 hours)
1 class per week
Telephone and Email support
Weekly Trading Zones
$75.00 per month
If you become a CFRN Partner this weekend, we will add an additional 40 hours of personal mentoring making it a total of 120 hours of personal training and mentoring.

This One Time Special Offer
which includes everything listed above:


That's a savings of over $1,000 and you still get the Elbow Indicator (a $995 Value) absolutely free.

Our Indicator Set and Mentoring Program with the Elbow Indicator will increase to $4,495 on June 4, 2011. For the next 24 hours you can lock in everything we offer, everything we will ever offer, and still save over $2,000.00. Lock in the future today -

I don't know where you've traded before. I don't know how much you've struggled or how much you've suffered. What I do know is that what we offer works.
Is it magic? No!
Will you get rich quick? No!
How does it happen?

  1. Learn our methodology.
  2. Be disciplined in your approach.
  3. Experience success.


On the show today we questioned unemployment figures, quanitifed dumb luck, discussed a holistic approach to life and trading as well, skirted the 3 Forces of the Universe until tomorrow, railed on the Everybody's Happy artist and ended the show with a nice cup of Green Tea sweetened w/honey.

Friday, what to expect!  We are technically in sell mode on the Daily Chart!   Friday, we look for an inside to lower day!   Today’s range was $1317.75 - $1304.25.  The market settled at $1312.50.    Our comfort zone or point of control for this market appears to be $1313.75.  Our anticipated potential range for Friday’s trading could be $1325.50 - $1293.50.  The market stays bearish below  $1347.75.    

Want to trade for a living? 


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Podcast for Thursday 06/02/11

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