Emini FuturesCast / The Daily Pod 06/07/11

Today was very symbolic. Did it dredge up fond memories of the past? Did it give us a glimpe through the looking glass at tomorrows yet to come? Am I saying it was an artistic and poetic moment in which we used symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind?
I WISH! Mostly it was just David saying hey Burt, "What's the symbol for XXX?" Was the audience mortified? No it induced more of a trancelike state. (stupified perhaps?) No one said anything and I barely heard a foot shuffle or paper rustle. Of course we now expect much better forecasts as the Master Forecaster will be using the correct symbols for whatever's bubbling in that big cauldron of his...
We did touch on a few things like the next daily turn in the S&P, Gold, Soybeans, Corn, the Euro and a few other choice markets. We laughed, we cried, we even sang at the end. Tune in and turn on...
E-Mini S&P 500: The path of least resistance is down!
The E-Mini S&P 500 reacted to Federal Chairman Ben Bernanke today by another extension lower in the E-Mini S&P 500. The discouraging speech touched on solid points that needed to be addressed such as rulemaking, price distortions, the US Dollar and fiscal policy. While he stated that the recovery is to be quite slow, he had not commented on any potential stimulus on the horizon past June 30th. Volume is light on the E-Mini S&P 500! Stock reports and the streams of news discussing mergers and acquisitions come up every once in a while, but we still are lacking the foundation of solid US economic reports to boost this market. We could find ourselves in a lethargic summer market meandering lower, but holding some support. The US Dollar has been selling off since about May 24th, yet we see no bottom in sight. The API numbers this evening reflected a bullish energy market. The EIA Report comes out 9:30 AM CST tomorrow and may show different numbers, but it appears that the energies may be postured to extend higher tomorrow despite some of the recent fundamental news of OPEC possibly stepping up their production. We look to small bounces and further declines in the E-Mini S&P 500! The Federal Reserve after previous stimulus efforts possibly must revisit other potential solutions for a country with a dour economic outlook!
Wednesday, we have no major economic reports to look forward to!
The "Not So Hot To Trot" Indicator
Everybody was hot to trot this morning. Enough of the sell-off, time for a bounce, let's get moving was the flavor of the day. The bullish energy was evident but ultimately it could not overpower the forces that drove this market down. Here's what we saw on the hourly.
We loved the bottom last night, an important number for CFRN Partners. What I didn't like was the 10,000 lb. weight we had around our neck. The chart below will show you the wieght. The chart above shows how price we never able to break above a very key area. It tried. Valiantly. Ultimately, if failed.
With a gap open the market immediately ran out of gas at the "Line in the Sand" dropped over 3 points and the dance was on with the Sentiment Indicator becoming a center of gravity. We remained cautious on the bullish side and took only one trade in the Live Trading Room - a Short.
When price failed below yesterday's high the game was over and even the most bullish threw in their horns and stepped aside. As you can see from the hourly chart above, the market is consolidating but as of this post, could easily break either way. Watch the Asian session for a hint and then consider trading the European open if you're an early riser. We'll be here....... at the bell.
ps/ as always Special Alerts will go out via Twitter - @cfrn
Wednesday, what to expect! We are technically in sell mode on the Daily Chart! Wednesday, we look for an inside to lower day! Today’s range was $1295.50 - $1282.50. The market settled at $1284.75. Our comfort zone or point of control for this market appears to be $1290.00. Our anticipated potential range for Wednesday’s trading could be $1297.50 - $1272.50. The market stays bearish below $1337.00.
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