Emini Futures Cast / The Daily Pod 08/30/11
Really Big and Important Emini Podcast - episode #1,440
I'm going to cover the Weekly Zones again tonight. Why? Strong Medicine. I don't care what other thing you use to put on or take off trades, whatever you currently do, there's no way that doing it against the backdrop of the Weekly Trading Zones won't give you more clarity, greater potential and open the door to possibilities you've not yet embraced. No heavy sales pitch - the Trial is FREE, just the facts...
S&P 500 Emini Futures
Now some people feel like it's cheatin' to have these numbers before hand. I'll leave it up to you to work out your own moral dilemna. Our Parnters have them every week before the market opens and wouldn't dream of trading without them. Try them out yourself for 1 full week. You can always repent next week.
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