Emini Futures | Markets Tumble On Good Friday

S&P 500 Emini Futures fell more than 1 percent and Treasuries rallied on Friday as employment data showed U.S. payrolls grew by 120,000 in March, below the expected gain of 203,000 jobs and the smallest increase since October. These numbers will keep the door open for the Federal Reserve to provide more monetary support to the fragile economy. The first card has now been played.
S&P 500 Emini Futures
The final 2 videos below bring us up to date. We have now covered the last 8 trading days of the S&P 500 Emini Futures and pointed out every single trade setup. The ones that got stopped and the ones that didn't. These videos represent every setup on the Global 24 hour market for the past 8 days. If you've missed the first 6, I encourage you to have a look. Also be sure to check out the Live Trading Room Results Videos (all 177 of them). You'll see that what we do is not the Lazy Man's Way to Riches, in fact quite the opposite. What we do takes dedication, discipline and hard work.
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S&P Emini Futures April 04, 2012
S&P Emini Futures April 05, 2012
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