Emini Futures | Emini Podcast Thursday June 7, 2012

Partners Meetings every Thursday night usually preclude a complete post and commentary here on the blog due to time constraints. Our Community of Believers Who Trade For A Living continues to grow, thrive and prosper. Each Thursday night Michael and I must shift our focus exclusively to those who have made the decision to become a Partner.
Who we are and what we do, goes far beyond trading Emini Futures.
We believe that all men and women are called to a greater purpose than themselves or the simple pursuit of money. We also know that the "greater purpose" comes with a great price. We view the markets as a means to an end, not an end unto itself.
Our Partners commit themselves to a rigorous 90 day training regimen.
Our commitment is to equip each Partner during those 90 days with the tools and knowledge required to step into a trillion dollar a day global marketplace and extract whatever funds your "greater purpose" requires. It doesn't matter if that number is $200/day or $200,000.00, the principles and tools remain the same.
We invite you to spend one week with us absolutely free.
- Download our state of the art platform
- Install our proprietary indicators
- Run our live data for both Futures and Forex 24/7
- Watch us trade real money in live markets
During the week, take notes and ask lots of questions. If you decide what CFRN offers is what you need to succeed, we then commit the next 90 days of our lives to helping you via our mentoring program, reach your full potential and "Greater Purpose".
You have nothing to lose, except another week...
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