CME Group - History, Future And In-depth Interview

by DeWayne Reeves
As the world's leading derivatives marketplace, CME Group is where the world comes to Trade. CME Group brings buyers and sellers together through the Globex electronic trading platform and trading facilities in New York and Chicago. Electronic means "no middle-man, no market maker, no manipulation". Whether you're a Speculator in Crude, a Farmer hedging his Soybean crop, a Hedge Fund Manager dealing in Eurodollar Put Options, or a stay at home Dad trading the S&P 500 #Emini Futures, we all go to work each day at the CME. We are busy scheduling interviews for the 1 st quarter of 2014. If you know a company, trader, or "person of interest" we should interview... let us know as soon as possible. Once we have a firm date for the CME Group Interview it will be published here on the blog and discussed on the Live Daily Emini Radio Broadcast. A brief list of investment and trading vehicles available at the CME: Agricultural Products Energy Products Equity Products Metal Products Forex Products We've barely scratched the surface here. From Weather, to Real Estate and Options... as a Professional Trader you'll find the most diverse offering of investment and trading vehicles, anywhere. CME Group futures and options education includes a complete understanding of both Futures and Options. Whether it's in pdf or video format, there's an ever increasing knowledge library written or produced by well known analysts and both professional and retail traders. You'll find: CME brings all the trading products you need for success as well as solid educational training to make sure you understand what you are trading and how it is traded. Once you've decided the CME Group is where you want to hang your hat, all that's left is to decide how you will trade it. You still have to know when to trade, when to be flat, when to enter and where to exit. Almost everything we do is very closely tied to the CME Group. Our trading strategy and methodology is unique in that it embraces the underlying rhythm of every CME Product. We teach one setup which allows you to trade every product from Corn, to Crude, to the S&P, as well as all the other products we've discussed as well as the additional ones you will find on the links we've provided. CFRN is now in its 8th year of helping Trader's just like you turn on the light so you can stop cursing the darkness. Join us for a week just to see how it works. As you watch our Professional Traders at work, there will be staff on hand to answer all of your questions. There is an intensive 90 Day Course available, but you begin with the free primer to make sure trading really is for you. Not all of us are destined to drive a Formula 1 Race Car or pitch for the Yankees. Unfortunately, not everyone possesses the focus and discipline to trade for a living. The good news is, over the course of the next 5 trading sessions, we will help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and offer our opinion on whether or not you have the qualities required. This evaluation is provided at no cost whatsoever thanks to our generous sponsors. During your assessment we will provide the tools and methodology to test drive every single product offered by the CME Group. While you might never succeed as a Eurodollar Trader, we might discover together, you are in fact well suited to trade the S&P 500, Gold, Crude, Soybeans or one of the many other CME Trading Products. We look forward to seeing you at the CME and in the Live Trading Room as well. Learn more at no cost to you thanks to our generous sponsors. Along with the links below to Follow, Join and Apply, be sure to visit our massive Video Archives on YouTube. We have 2 Channels with over 500 videos. Let us know where your interest lies, and we'll do our best to point you at the proper resource. For the past 8 years, we've faithfully recorded every live daily radio broadcast as an Emini Podcast. This unequaled E-mini Learning Library is available as a premium resource to our Emini Community at no charge. For episodes prior to 2011, visit our archives for shows reaching back to 2005. Join the discussion today @ our #Emni Google+ Community! or use the comment section below.
CME Group - Where The World Comes To Trade
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CME Group Interview
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CME Soybean Futures
CME Crude Futures
CME Live Cattle Futures
CME Copper Futures
CME S&P 500 Emini Futures
CME Gold Futures
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