The Fruits of Graft With Author Wayne Jett - Part 3

Ben Bernanke's Apology Tour
President Roosevelt and the Great Depression - How did Roosevelt cause the Great Depression? Was he a lone gunman on a grassy knoll, or part of a much larger conspiracy controlled by the ruling elite?
Naked Shorting - Fact or fiction? Are there really back room meetings with shadowy characters carrying briefcases stuffed with graven images of dead presidents? No. The popular $100 bill actually carries the picture not of a President but of a Tinkerer- one Ben Franklin. It's also the only bill that has no Washington building or monument on it and just for the record, hundred hundred-dollar bills are delivered by Federal Reserve Banks in mustard-colored straps.
Ben's Apology Tour - You work hard, eat a lot of Tums, but when it's time to get paid, the Ex-Fed Prez gets treated like royalty. Or is he royalty? Ruling elite or front man for the real men? Ben did come clean and say "The Fed was to blame for the Great Depression". Are we to believe they (he) did not also orchestrate this last little near death experience. Took us to the brink, made us stare long and hard into the deep, dark, abyss... and at just the right moment... snatched us back from the jaws of a most certain and painful death. Not only do they not look like crooks, get him a cape and tights folks, there's a new (old) hero in town (again). First speech out of the gate - $250k. Same city, same stage, same dollar amount as his predecessor. Coincidence? Of course it is.
How is it when the greatest nation on earth needs to borrow a few bucks, they either go fetching and stepping in front of the Fed, or China, with a song and a dance and a "I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a cheeseburger today". The Chinese may be building ghost towns, but they're still nobody's fool. Why would they keep lending money to a nation so bankrupt that 10 generations out we'll still be making "interest only" payments if we never borrow another dime?
America - The New Dachau So not this generation, or even the next possibly, but when China finally calls in all the markers, and the Fed stops the music, a lot of folks will be left without a chair. Perhaps the chair was an illusion all along? What prevents China today from ruling the world? Only one thing - Military Might. As long as we have the bigger gun they can never force us into slave labor camps. Now that's a good thing as long as they let us keep our guns. We will remain free even though we're bankrupt, as long as our military can make the biggest boom boom, but once our guns are gone and our military is a glorified Boy Scout Troop, it's over.
Not My Problem - You're right. You and I will outlive this catastrophe, but as sure as we continue to vote with our left hand, the inevitability of it all is beyond Orwellian. When your great, great, grandson urinates on your tombstone, let it go. You deserve it. You (a good man) sat around and did nothing. Head buried in sand up to your clavicle, swearing it's all just not a conspiracy. I have a few dollars in the bank you say, because I'm smart and clever and no one is big enough or bad enough to ever take it away from me. Dear God how I pray you are right.
If you missed the broadcast today. Part 3 with Wayne Jett Author of "The Fruits of Graft", please click the headphones above and enjoy the show. Wayne comes on at about the 1 hour mark.
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