Emini - Watch A Professional Emini Trader At Work

Watch Professional Emini Traders At Work -
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Learning to trade Emini Futures, or any commodity or stock from a book, is almost as difficult as learning to swim from a book. Watching a trading video is certainly a step up from simply reading about it, but to truly grasp what you really need to become a Professional E-mini Trader, you must move beyond both books and videos.
Historical Charts And The Genius Trader
While books and videos leave a trader at a significant disadvantage, they can also serve as props for deception. It is extremely easy to use a historical chart (found in both books and videos) to give ones ability and methodology an unfair advantage. They say it's easy to walk on water if you know where the rocks are.
Please don't get me wrong, I believe (I want to believe), that most Emini Teachers, Trading Coaches and Market Mentors, want to do a fair and honest job. Unfortunately, it is very easy for the instructor himself to become somewhat hypnotized by how beautifully it all lies out, after the music stops.
Live Markets Are The Deep End Of The Pool
One thing that can never be faked, is a Live Chart traded in Real-Time. Also, it is much more difficult for the Emini Trainer themselves, to fall under the illusion that he or she might have actually performed better than the reality which was churned out, tick, by tick... by tick.
I was a non-swimming 10 year old "husky" child who after an entire summer of daily visits to the pool, could still not swim. Yes it was depressing, but at least it was over, or so I thought... As the final whistle blew, I was busily exhaling a huge sigh of relief when my compadres(?) tossed my frightened look into the deep end of the pool and left. I'm talking, "got in the car and drove off - left". Luckily at the tender age of 10, the whole life flashing before your eyes business is over pretty quickly and survival mode kicks in.
How To Survive The Deep End Of The Market
There is only one way, get in. There's no problem with reading a book or two regarding the history of the markets you plan to trade and even some introductory information as to margin requirements, position sizing etc... Beyond that, it will serve no greater purpose than to confuse you. Most certainly you don't want to digest any material written or otherwise which creates a false illusion that the journey upon which you are about to embark is easy and / or a fast or lazy man's way to riches.
If you're going to survive the deep end of the market and actually learn how to trade for a living, you must steer clear of any and all unrealistic expectations. Together with your Emini Teacher it is important to define a clear set of goals based on realistic expectation before you stick so much as a toe in the water. Survival at the deep end (trading real money) is accomplished by learning proper techniques in the shallow end. A few basic market truths, coupled with realistic expectations and a set of goals you can actually achieve, are the proper foundation for building your very own Emini Trading Business.
Watch An Emini Professional Trade
This is how you truly learn. In the market with a Professional Trader as he calls out the trades and places them himself. No Trader is perfect. Along with profitable trades, you will be taught how to aggressively manage your risk, and how to deal with the "agony of defeat". You will learn more, on a deeper level, when your Mentor gets stopped out, than when knocks one out of the park.
If you simply learn to handle the trades that don't work out mentally, keep your emotions at bay, and be prepared for the next textbook opportunity that comes down the pike... you yourself become a high probability opportunity. Based upon the software you use, trade entries and exits may be displayed on the screen for you "to the tick".
An entry in the Emini Market or any other market for that matter, should never be nebulous. With a rules based system you either have a trade or you don't. If you understand the rules and apply them properly, your entries will be seamless. It's what happens next is why you need to watch the Professional Trader at work. Over time you will learn to think in probabilities and quickly learn to understand that no one trade, or series of trades, defines you as a Trader. Instead, you must learn to define the trade.
Emini Charts
Our first chart so far this week is the S&P 500 Emini Futures
S&P 500 Emini Futures Hourly Chart - 07/13/14 through 07/14/14
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Reader Comments (2)
Who do you consider to be a Professional Trader? Sze? Work on Wall Street? What criteria do you use to determine who is a professional and who is a amateur?
Read this article - Definition Of A Professional Trader
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If you have any additional questions please email me support@cfrn.net or call us 949-42-EMINI.