S&P 500 Emini Futures Outlook for 2017

CFRN Announces New Strategic Partnership With UK's No.1 Investment Guide
Our new relationship will enable CFRN Partners, Clients and Community Members to have immediate access to economic news reports, plus investment and trading opportunities directly from the UK, as they develop.
We have been "shouting from the rooftops" the past 5 years that a true Global Market was evolving right before our very eyes. On a daily basis we have done our very best to keep the CFRN audience and client base focused on the London Open which is 3am EST, midnight on the West Coast. Many of our Traders have developed a new life-style around the London Open. Their work day begins at 12pm and many are finished for the day by 2am Pacific.
Many of our East Coast Traders have also redefined their life-style as well. They arise @ 3am, reach their Daily Goal and either head to the gym, or back to bed for a quick nap before the day job begins. I have much admiration and respect for this particular group of Traders who will let nothing stand in their way of becoming consistently profitable in the Futures and Commodities Markets.
Long before we had personal computers, cell phones and the internet, I too arose @ 3am to reach my first job where I began calling my publishing clients at 8am EDT (5am Phoenix time). After an 8 hour shift I would shift gears and head across town via public transit to spend the next 8 hours calling my local mortgage clients in the greater Phoenix area.
Some say I was driven. Others thought I was a bit crazy. I believe it was a bit of a mix. I was 21 and a certain young redhead had stolen my heart and I was determined to prove that I could turn from the crazy ideals of a typical 21 year old and become a grown up with a paycheck. With no formal training it seems the only jobs I qualified for always said in bold letters - COMMISSION ONLY!
Living Large 80's Style - Me, Thriller and MTV
Back in the 80's (1980), there were a few MBA's around Phoenix taking home a paycheck with a comma. I was knocking down 2 of 'em, with just a High School Diploma. I think I mentioned I had my heart set on this Hippy Princess and since I was neither tall, nor ruggedly handsome, I thought I could impress her with money. Turns out, she fell for me as well without the money, but in all honesty, I don't think the 2 comma sized paychecks worked against me.
So what does this have to do with the S&P 500 Emini Futures Outlook for 2017? Everything! I never did manage to land a job with a salary (who signs up for a pay cut?), but one thing led to another and now today, really important people I don't even know, are saying really nice things about me, and I didn't have to pay them. People who would not have even hired me, seem to admire me. How cool is that?
Am I Boasting?
That would be a great waste of white space now wouldn't it? What I'm attempting to do is encourage you to find someone who will take you under their wing, mentor you and Teach You How to Trade. If you learn how to trade Emini Futures such as the S&P (ES), Dow (YM), Nasdaq (NQ), Russell (RLM), or even Gold, Crude, Soybeans (it's a really big list)... you'll never have to work 2 jobs. You'll never even need a job. In fact, if you have the right teacher, you'll never work again.
Say what? The following quote has been attributed to Confucius, Sun-Tzu, even Steve Jobs. Chances are they all said it. Whose on first? I don't know... Roll Tape!
"Find a job you love
and you'll never work another day in your life."
Doesn't matter who said it, Just do it! (Nike)
It's the greatest non-job on planet earth and sadly enough, 9 out of 10 will not find their mentor, develop the self discipline, or learn to think in probabilities. Have you ever wondered if that statistic we've all read was true? The one Futures Magazine first made famous - "9 out of 10 fail". If you haven't convinced yourself alredy by blowing up a few accounts, try this...
Call a large Brokerage Firm. Ask for the mail room. Ask for the guy in charge. Every year he sends out what we in America call the "1099". There's 2 stacks. Those who turned a profit, and those who didn't. Ask him which stack is bigger. He might say he can't tell you (and he shouldn't).
Ask for his name. Mail him a bottle of Johnny Walker Platinum. Wait a few days and call him back. Just ask "How was the Platinum?" Wait for his reply like you really care. Now try the original question again - "Which stack was bigger?" I'm guessing you get an answer this time. You might even get an exact count.
Now we know what we're up against. All we have to do is figure out what the 1 out of 10 figured out.
Trading's not easy, but it can be SIMPLE!©
CFRN New Strategic Partnership - Investing.co.uk
Now, the first article from our new Strategic Partner...
E-Mini S&P 500 for March 2017 Rides High Against 2016 Futures
S&P 500 E-mini futures contracts expiring in the month of March for 2017 rose by a substantial margin after opening on Wednesday, outperforming S&P 500 E-mini contracts with closer expiration dates. Contracts for the end of all four 2016 quarters were down as of 9:35 AM on Thursday.
After opening at $1882.00, March 2017 futures contracts jumped in early trading to $1902.00 as 2016 contracts fell moderately. Despite the increase, contracts for March of 2017 are still valued at a somewhat lower price than 2016 counterparts. By early Thursday trading, March of 2016 contracts were valued at $1931.87, with June 2016 at $1922.50, September 2016 at $1913.50 and December 2016 at $1905.00. March 2017 contracts were also substantially beating their 20-day average of $1866.04.
The increased optimism for the first quarter of 2017 may or may not be warranted in comparison to more immediate quarters. Gasoline savings are expected to stimulate consumer spending through much of the 2016 fiscal year, helping to bring new revenue into businesses involved in consumer sales. At the same time, however, continued market volatility has set some investors on edge, particularly with regards to businesses that are heavily affected by the condition of the commodities market. It is also not yet clear how continued interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve will affect the flow of investment capital across the 2016 year. For these reasons, some investors have pegged their hopes on 2017 as a year of potential market recovery, accounting for some of the optimism surrounding the first quarter futures contracts for that year.
At the same time, however, 2017 may bring its own set of difficult market conditions. Given present projections, it is expected to be a year of somewhat reduced economic growth in emerging market economies. During that year, growth in India is expected to remain at the same level as the projected 2016 rate, while China's economic growth is expected to slow in comparison to 2016. This means that companies doing business in emerging markets may be more susceptible to slowdown, thought the risk is fairly slight. 2017 may also be a year of some turmoil for US companies, as a new president will be taking office in January. However, this is unlikely to affect Q1 earnings in any way beyond affecting investor perception, as executive economic plans tend to take longer than 2 months to implement, and will take much longer than that to have real market effects on the US economy.
As an investment opportunity, 2017's Q1 E-mini futures contracts have potential, but also carry a high level of risk. Because of the volatility inherent in an interconnected global economy, it is very difficult to predict what market conditions will look like more than a year down the road with any degree of accuracy. The long wait for expiration has also led to low liquidity and very low trading volumes on these contracts. While there is potential for profit on the E-mini contracts for March of 2017, they are best left to very risk-tolerant investors who are willing to take a position and sit on it for a fairly long time until liquidity increases. For other E-mini traders, contracts that are nearer to expiry will be a better investment, as they are in a time frame that is much easier to make reliable predictions about and offer much better liquidity.
This article was written by Duncan Ryan
Senior Editor at investing.co.uk
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