Emini Trade Alerts Results - Day 10

Emini Trade Alert Results - Day 10
Figures Lie and Liars Figure — Go Figure.
Live Charts Never Lie
The most frequent question I receive regarding our #Emini Trade Alert Service is “What % of your Trades are Winners?”.
#1) I hate the term “Winners”. We’re not playing the Lottery and it’s not a weekend junket to Vegas. We teach people what they need to know in order to build a successful Emini Trading Business. Whether or not they follow our advice to the letter, I have no way of knowing. We look at every trade as either profitable or unprofitable. No winning, or losing.
No one trade, or series of trades, defines a man or woman as a success or failure at the business of trading. Unprofitable trades are simply part of the business. Inventory, I call it.
Imagine the guy with the new Subway Franchise freaking out every time the manager said “Boss, we need more Salami and Swiss.” The boss goes into his office and begins to kick the wall while screaming, “How can I ever get ahead if I have to keep buying more Salami and more Swiss? Does it never end. Every time I turn around it’s more this and more that. I give up!”
Those new to the world of trading fail to realize (because no one ever teaches them) that Stop-Outs are the cheapest insurance policy you’ll ever buy. Were it not for the “Hard Stop” vs. the “Mental Stop” or even worse the “No Stop”, your new Trading Business would quickly implode and that’s why Futures Magazine and every other serious publication out there is quick to inform you that 90% of those who attempt to become Professional Traders will fail. Pretty bleak right?
Define Professional Trader
Google this — “Define Professional Trader”, last time I checked, an article I wrote years ago (which is as true today as the day I wrote it) was still hanging out in the #1 spot below the ads. In case you don’t know, anyone can pay to be at the top of a Google search page. To be #1 in the organic search results must be earned. Lots of late nights, rejection letters and way too much caffeine.
Not with our Mentoring Program, but with out Concierge E-mini Trade Alert Service, we send out 8 markets nightly, 2 trades per market. The trades are valid for 24 hours and they often repeat again and again. Important prices and important areas are almost always tested. If nothing else, let that last sentence be your take-away from this article.
I could easily put together a spreadsheet, pie chart, even film a docu-drama that makes us look like the Holy Grail, when we’re not even Altar Boys. Therefore, I refuse to to do what most others do, cheat.
Other companies (I will not call names) have no problem presenting a set of numbers that makes it appear as though they can walk of water. We have a problem with that. Obviously if you know where the rocks are, it’s quite simple to create the illusion of walking on water.
Don’t settle for historical data, or even historical videos (which I do a lot of). Insist on seeing it done in real time. Websites lie, Emails lie, Traders lie, but the one thing that can not lie, is a real time chart. When your chart matches the other guys chart, live in real time, you know you’re being dealt off the top of the deck.
We did a public 3 year Beta Test on Twitter, also part of it was on Seeking Alpha and Stock Twits. The daily results are still there if you’re willing to dig. Why not do it on our own site? Because you can’t monkey with the time stamp on someone elses site. Validity.
The service has been active for over 2 years since the Beta ended. At Emini.CFRN.net you can see a daily video recap of each and every Concierge Trade since the service began. You will also see many stand alone video recaps where all I do is go over that day’s results for the Alerts. The others are part of the Daily Radio Broadcast, now in our 2nd decade.
It’s impossible for anyone to take every trade setup we send for 8 markets (2 trades per market) over a 24 hour period. The best we can offer is showing the email we sent the night before (every day — the good, bad and ugly), and every time the market has triggered on that Alert since the email went out. Again, the Alerts are valid until the next set comes out. The best I can do is show you what happened with the info I sent, the night before. What you do or don’t do with it, that’s up to you. It’s called “learning how to trade”, not “how to get lucky”.
Reading is Fundamental
We’re not prophets or psychics. We do know how to read a chart and we do have an understanding of how the “hive mind” reacts to certain situations and circumstances. While it is practically impossible to know how a lone wolf will react to real life or real market conditions, it is surprisingly simple (after years of study) to have a high probability idea of how the pack will react.
As we trade short term (flat at the close), we don’t struggle to knock it out of the park. 1st Base on a Bunt is sufficient for us. Once we have a good idea where the pack is headed, we simply hitch a ride long enough to grab our daily goal. If that trade turns out be unprofitable, we yell “Next” and take the next setup that we have quantified as giving us a definable edge. Once we reach our goal for the day, we simply put the mouse away.
We solve the market equation as a whole, not with more Points, but with more Contracts. The key is, every additional Contract added, must be underwritten with profits earned in the market. That’s how you define a Professional Trader — Profits. No more raiding the IRA, 401K, or Aunt Ida.
We teach our students to learn in Sim, go live with only 1 Contract, and then earn $2k before adding a second contract. The same 2 points that earn you $100 with in the S&P 500 Emini, will also earn you $1k once you’ve earned the right to trade 10 Contracts. The margin to trade each Emini Contract is $500. For that sum you gain control of over $100,000 of equity in the S&P Best of Breed.
Imagine walking into your Stock Brokers office, laying down 5 crisp $100 bills and saying buy me $100k worth of S&P stocks. Chances are he would call Security. No one argues with a mad man. Yet our Traders do it day in and day out. Also unlike Option Contracts where you’ve heard 80% of them expire worthless, that’s actually true. Not so with Futures. They either roll forward on expiration day, or you simply exit and take your profit or loss, whatever the case may be.
Funding the growth of your Trading Business internally, with profits you earned, is to build on a solid foundation the type of business that can ultimately generate, generational wealth. It’s slower than the Slick Willie Method (which doesn’t work), some say it’s a Slow Boat to China, but I’m happy to report… there really is a China over the horizon.
As you know, past performance is merely a way of tricking hard working honest would-be traders into subscribing to a service. That’s why we encourage you to take a 5 day trial. This way… instead of talking about what happened yesterday or last week, we’re talking about what happened today. You’re watching it live in real time with your own two eyes. The question then becomes, can you trust yourself?
The best way to determine if any trading service is for you, is to take a trial and trade the numbers in Sim. Then you will know if the service is for you.
If no trial is available, keep Googling. Find someone who will not just sell you the latest, coolest indicator or “trick” to come down the pike, search for someone who is willing to make an investment in your life (in exchange for the hard earned dollars you pay) and teach you valuable life skills both in group settings as well as one on one.
If you are to succeed, if you will someday stand in the 10% line, there is no other path to getting there. Trading’s not easy, but it can be simple.
Also, Trading shouldn’t hurt. Get help today.
Please email any questions to dreeves@cfrn.net .
Read My Digital Diary for the past 3 Years
There's something on this earth you were created to be GREAT at! God created each of us to excel at something. Some of us know instinctively. Others spend years searching. Sadly, some just meander through life never finding the thing that wakes them up before the alarm and keeps them awake long after the Sandman has passed through Sleepy Town. Your spouse is snoring (gently), but when you close your eyes all you can see is Candlesticks. You slip out of bed at 3am to check the London open. If that's you, you might be a Trader.
It's this simple. Go to Apply.CFRN.net . Make a 5 Day - No Cost - Commitment. Put your name and your email in the little boxes, hit SEND, go check your email. Read the email, follow the instructions, then show up @ 9:30am EST any day M-F and let the journey begin. In a week you'll know. Don't let the past dictate your future. When your welcome email arrives with your Link and Password, keep reading.
The email is filled with instructions.
We do Ninja and any Broker who clears through Gain Capital. If that's not you, there's instructions to download dtPro. We not only give you our Indicators for a week, we even provide the Platform (at no cost). There's no more excuses. Take the trial or go learn how to tie fly's. Bake a cake. Do something! You'll go blind if you keep watching Springer all day.
See you in the Training Room - Apply.CFRN.net .
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