CFRN Top Rated Emini Futures Blog

CFRN Added To "Top 20 Emini Futures Blog"
Yesterday we received the following email:
CFRN Emini Blog and Podcast Est. 2005
We would like to extend our warmest "attitude of gratitude" to the selection panel at Feedspot. We have worked very hard the past 14 years to help Emini Traders around the world learn:
"Trading's Not Easy, But It Can Be Simple"
Everything we do is Simple by Design. We were once buried under more Emini Indicators and Oscillators than we could keep track of. It seemed we were always just "one more filter" away from greatness. Have you ever felt that way? Like you were just "one click away" from consistent profitability?
We were absolutely convinced. As days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, we were forced to admit that despite our best efforts, the Bottom Line was moving farther and farther away. Finally we made the best decision of our lives, to "Stop the Madness". We systematically removed everything from our screens. The cheap stuff, the really expensive Emini Indicators, and even our own home grown brew. The last one I must tell you was by far the most painful.
The Truth About Trading
Everyone with a slick website and eye catching email tries to convince you "they" have cracked the code. Unlocked the secret to Emini Futures Trading. Amazingly they are willing to share this sensitive knowledge with you, a perfect stranger. Some secrets are cheap $49.00, many are expensive $20K and more. If you're like most Futures Traders, you've bought, and bought, and bought.
The headlines and ad copy are designed to convince that you've just stumbled upon the one group who has a tool, or strategy, that in essence, allows them to know the future before it happens. Each time you say "never again", but after a couple of down days in the market, you're willing to try anything, believe anything.
God in his infinite wisdom chose not to give Adam the ability to change the past or know the future.
Meditate on that thought for a moment or read about it in Genesis, but know this - Those two principles are inextricably linked for eternity. Despite the bold promises and excited testimonials that seem to leap of the page, no man, no machine, no guru, no crystal ball or algorithm, can know the future with certainty. Not no way, not no how, not now, not never. That's a fact. Now, after a lengthy list of failed purchases and broken promises, the words I type are forcing you to face that reality. Welcome to the Truth about Trading.
Know The Next High Probability Move in the S&P 500 Emini Futures
Since we can't know the future, is there any hope for an aspiring Emini Trader? There is. You just dealt with the most difficult step: Admitting to yourself it is impossible to know the future. (Good Job!)
Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about what you CAN know. Every one of our Traders can tell you the next High Probability Move in any market. Make that any market, any time frame. How is that possible? Simple, they had a teacher who taught them, instead of lying to them.
We are willing to do for you, what we've done for them. Whatever market you trade, whether you trade the 5 minute Nasdaq NQ Emini, or the Monthly Crude Chart, the CFRN EMINI METHOD™ can work for you. If I made you a special offer here, deeply discounting our regular cost, would you be interested?
Now that you know the Truth about Markets, you should never fall prey to a pitch like that again. If that was what I was going to offer you, how different would we be from all the rest? (hint: the same)
We know that once you see what we do and have been doing since 2005, you'll be desperate to become a CFRN Trader. It is with that absolute confidence, we're inviting you to take a 5 Day Free Trial with us, no credit card required. For the next 5 trading days you'll have what every CFRN Emini Trader has:
- Live Training Every Trading Day From 9:30 to 11:30AM Eastern
- Our Simple by Design Proprietary Indicator Set
- The Legendary CFRN Weekly Trading Zones
- Concierge Trade Alerts
- LOGIC247™ Around the Clock Emini Alerts
- Access to Private One-On-One Mentoring and Coaching
- Demo Trading Platform w/ Real Time Data and $50K in Virtual Cash
Everything listed and more, is yours for the next 5 Trading Days - No Credit Card Required!
We are convinced that once you experience the Truth about Trading, learn our Strategy, use our Indicators, and Trade our Alerts, you'll become a member of the CFRN Family, for life!
Trading's not easy, but this offer makes it SIMPLE!
Our seating is limited for the Free Trial so please, if you're fed up with stuff that just doesn't work, come take a look at something that does. After your Free Trial you'll be able to make a well informed, intelligent decision, as to whether or not you want to walk in the Truth about Trading, or keep hoping that the folks behind the next website or email really did out-fox God.
Call 949-42-EMINI or email
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