Best Emini Indicators - No Money Down

Never Before Emini Offer
The single greatest request over the years has been to allow the individual tools that comprise the CFRN EMINI MEHTOD™ to be purchased individually. The answer has always been the same: NO!
Why Not?
We believe (still do), becoming a consistently profitable Emini Trader requires much more than a Magical Indicator, Mystical Oscillator, or Ancient Secrets discovered in a clay urn, in the Gobi desert. While the proper tools are important, the most important thing an Emini Trader can have is a dedicated, committed, personal trainer and mentor.
Above and beyond everything else, success as a Professional Emini Trader requires having someone "teach you how to trade". What you should look for in a teacher:
1. A great teacher respects students.
2. A great teacher creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom.
3. A great teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring.
4. A great teacher sets high expectations for all students.
5. A great teacher has his own love of learning.
6. A great teacher is a skilled leader.
7. A great teacher can “shift-gears”.
8. A great teacher collaborates with colleagues on an ongoing basis.
9. A great teacher maintains professionalism in all areas.
(courtesy of Faculty Focus)
While I would never refer to myself as "great", I do believe, whatever I lack in skills or knowledge, I make up for with good ol' fashioned "hard work". Please, don't take my word for it (my viewpoint could be biased for obvious reasons), ask our students.
Ask the people just like you who have tried, struggled, and regretfully failed.
Ask "real people" (just like yourself), who spent their own hard earned money to learn everything Michael and I teach. Ask them! I don't think you'll find this "open-door" invitation many other places on the Internet in regards to Emini training and mentoring.
It's called transparency. Everything we do, we do for all the world to see. No parlor tricks, no sleight of hand, no cloak and dagger. During the 2 hours of Live Training we offer every trading day, Michael talks you through each set-up, step by step, Entry to Exit, complete with DOM. Our Alerts, both Concierge Trade Alerts and LOGIC247™ Emini Alerts, are published well in advance of triggering and meticulously recapped every day, LIVE during our daily broadcast (12-2PM Eastern since 2005).
So Why Now?
Call it the Santa Effect, a Gift From Above, Temporary Insanity. Seriously, due to the volume of requests, we accept that some Traders already have a trading methodology or strategy they are comfortable with and "changing everything" is often akin to a major life event like marriage, divorce, birth and death.
Many Traders have shared with me that what they have is 80% there. What they have is good, but they still need something consistent, reliable, dependable, to pull it all together and make it the "complete package". When that "something" also comes with "real people", "real traders" behind it, it really does make a world of difference. It can be the difference between just buying another "trading thing" on the Internet, and sending yet one more in a series of seemingly never ending bank wires to Chi-town.
We stand behind everything we offer and are always delighted to talk with our Clients, Partners, Members, Passport Holders, or as we like to call you - FAMILY!
Emini Indicators and Training - No Money Down!
Call 949-42-EMINI
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