Emini Futures - No Shortage
There is NO SHORTAGE OF MONEY in the world in which we live. Some have more, others less, and some have none. No one ever promised there would be equal distribution of wealth, or poverty, for that matter. The point though, even though there is ample food to feed the world's population, some people still go to bed hungry. Money is no different. We have ample supply. The hitch in the giddy-up, is access. The look on Ben's face never changes because money is no respecter of persons. My pocket or yours, good or evil, he doesn't flinch, never even saw him blink.
Example: CFRN Analysts
Have been stalking a Crude Swing Trade for the past week. It triggered today, August 1, 2019, and within one hour reached its initial target. Our traders who exited some or all of their position at the initial target picked up $600 per contract traded. Was that a rare opportunity? Honestly, no. Our analysts work around the clock to make sure CFRN Traders are aware of high probability Emini opportunities as they develop.
Are our traders any different from anyone else? Do some of them have PhD ‘s? Did some of them never graduate high school? Do some of them trade for a living? Are some of them just learning? Is there anything uniquely specific about a CFRN trader?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
Emini Trading - Don't Over Think It
Honestly, some of those with degrees, especially in the engineering and medical fields, have the most difficulty learning to trade Emini Futures. In their respective professions, there is no room for error. Lives depend on pinpoint accuracy. Take a doctor, he may be a world-renowned heart surgeon, but he’s not operating on a moving target. The engineer who builds the worlds next tallest skyscraper, is not building a moving target. Now don’t get me wrong, these are some of the smartest men and women on the planet, their jobs however, requires them to think and act with no room for error. Markets by their very nature are moving targets and can never be pinned down.
Our Emini Futures Trading Methodology uses an approach which is simple by design, yet extremely difficult for some to grasp. (Tip: Don't overthink it!)
Emini Market Truths
Many of our students who come from less educated backgrounds, when they are taught a specific rule, they simply follow it. One of the reasons they can do this, is because each concept and principle I teach, I demand they not just take my word for it. I challenge them to drag it out into the light of day and if it won’t stand up and salute, come see me.
Treat Them With respect
Emini Market truths are few and far between. Treat them with the respect they deserve. We do ourselves and those who depend on us, a great disservice if we carve anything on the tablet of our heart before we first thoroughly investigate, test, and sim trade it. Anything else cheapens the truth and may well end up costing you a fortune.
What Do You Believe About Emini Trading
When someone asks you, why you believe, what you say you believe about Trading, the answer should never be "I heard some guy say it at a seminar". Or worse, "some joker on the Internet". By dragging it out into the light of day and putting it through its paces, you determine what is truth, and what is not. Undertaking this process generates a title of ownership to this particular truth, with your name on it.
The Truth About Trading
Now, when someone asks you why you believe, what you say you believe, you can tell them with great conviction "because it's true". Find yourself 2 or 3 real Market Truths, string 'em together, add a dash of self-discipline (to taste), and you'll never fall prey again to an indecisive market, an arrogant guru, or a vicious vendor with no conscience.
See ya' at the bell!
DeWayne Reeves
Founder - CFRN
Est. 2005
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