S&P 500 Emini Multiple Time Frames

G999 interview with Sean Moloney is the final hour of the broadcast.
You can listen to the broadcast here, or watch it here YouTube.com/CFRN
Using Multiple Time Frames
No matter what time frame you use to execute your Emini trades, understanding how to use multiple time frames will improve your results and help you achieve the consistency you need to build a stable trading business.
Smaller Time Frame (5 minute chart) is like standing on the sidewalk in front of your house. You can see everything on your street, but that's all you can see.
Medium Time Frame (30 minute chart) is like standing on your roof. You can see your entire neighborhood and any angry marauders that might be headed to your street.
Large Time Frame (Daily) is like hovering over your neighborhood in a helicopter. Chances are you can see your entire city, from horizon to horizon.
On today's broadcast I walk you through how to use each time frame efficiently. No matter which Emini Futures contract you trade ES, YM, RTY, NQ, learning to not only observe 3 time frames but learning to think in multiple time frames will put you on the path to understanding what the market is trying to do, and what obstacles stand in the way.
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