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For traders seeking hands-on instruction in a virtual classroom, we offer the CFRN Live emini trading room. CFRN wraps all of its proprietary trading systems, indicators, and methodology into this unique educational environment.

live market commentary, real-time application of the CFRN Proprietary Indicators, and trade signals in real-time.
Ask questions and learn the most important trading lesson of all: WHEN, HOW, and WHY you should get in or out of a trade.


This show is so good because it not only talks about the markets , which we all are enthralled with, but also about finding out about ourselves and how it relates not only to our trading, but maybe even more important about how we see ouselves in the world we live in and how from the knowledge we take from this show can make ourselves a better human being in our life here on earth--I'll say it one more time"MAN I LOVE THIS SHOW"-thanks guys

- R.H. Canada

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High Probability Trade Setups

Use High Probability Setups To Increase Your Winning Trades

There are those rare individuals who can just look at a market, size it up, put on a trade and knock it out of the park. Are you one of those guys? Me either. I thought I was. In fact, I was certain of it, so I would open my charts, have a look around and take a stab at it.. and then another, and another.. until my account looked like Swiss cheese. Finally sanity overwhelmed me and I decided there had to be a better way. 

Turns out, the better way was learning to recognize a High Probability Setup. So how does one define a high probability setup? Basically, it's about entering the market at a specific price either long or short, where the odds are greater that price will travel to your Target before it hits your Stop.

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