Hourly Wages For Emini Traders
Unlimited earning potential is what attracts many traders to the world of Emini Futures Trading. We then quickly learn there is another side to that coin. Let's forget about getting rich overnight and see if we can earn a decent living just getting paid by the hour.
Hourly Wages For Emini Traders
We accept that there are very few absolutes in the world of trading. However, with the advent of Globex and 'round the clock global markets, we would be hard pressed to find any hour in any given day that does not present at least a small opportunity in one of the markets we watch. If we are going to seize those opportunities we will need to reboot our thinking process. Our instincts tell us to swing for the fences but if we can learn to become content with just getting on base, we have a much higher probability of building a successful career.