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What happens in your E-Mini Live Trading Room?

For traders seeking hands-on instruction in a virtual classroom, we offer the CFRN Live emini trading room. CFRN wraps all of its proprietary trading systems, indicators, and methodology into this unique educational environment.

live market commentary, real-time application of the CFRN Proprietary Indicators, and trade signals in real-time.
Ask questions and learn the most important trading lesson of all: WHEN, HOW, and WHY you should get in or out of a trade.


This show is so good because it not only talks about the markets , which we all are enthralled with, but also about finding out about ourselves and how it relates not only to our trading, but maybe even more important about how we see ouselves in the world we live in and how from the knowledge we take from this show can make ourselves a better human being in our life here on earth--I'll say it one more time"MAN I LOVE THIS SHOW"-thanks guys

- R.H. Canada

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Entries in live emini seminar (1)


Chicago CME CFRN Emini Seminar



CFRN Emini Summer Tour - Next Stop Chicago


Home of the CME!

This will be by far the best seminar of the Summer Tour yet. Not only will you be able to spend 3 hours with Michael B., America's Top Emini Trader (according to Google) and his notorious White-Board... but word has it... Burt and Leslie may make a cameo appearance. We're also pulling a few strings that just might get us a conference room at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. So far, many Partners have seen their trading results make a 180 degree turn after Michael's presentation in Charlotte and Kansas City, but the chance to meet Burt and Leslie face to face, really puts the icing on this seminar cake. 

Leslie writes the Weekly Gold Digger Report and was once personal broker to Michael Cavallo, one of the famous Turtle Traders of the 80's. Burt has 15 years of emini futures trading experience, including educating, mentoring, and executing for retail and institutional emini trading clients. Burt has extensive knowledge of options trading strategies. He is currently a co-host on CFRN radio, and has written for Reuters, CBS Market Watch and has been featured on British Television for his S&P commentary. 


Take a Tour Of The CME and Daniel's Trading

Michael's schedule won't permit him to stick around, but for those of you who can arrange to show up Friday or stick around until Monday, I'll ask our good friend Ben Lichtenstein from Traders Audio to give you a tour of the Pit where it all began. Things have calmed down in the Pit these past few years with the transition to screen trading, but if you listen to Ben Squawk, there's still plenty of energy down on the floor. 

Ben is President of Traders Audio  and has worked on the CME trading floor for over 15 years. He is a regular guest on CNBC, Bloomberg TV, Bloomberg radio and has been featured in numerous periodicals including Futures Magazine and Stocks and Commodities. 

I can't ask Ben to do two separate tours, so those of you coming will need to decide amongst yourselves which day you want the tour. I still have to check with him to make sure he's available, but I want to be able to give him a definite day first. As you make your Reservation, in the comment section type Tour Friday or Tour Monday.

If you're not yet a Partner, it's not too late. You will need to pick up the pace, get enrolled right away, attend a few online workshops, and attend every Live Emini Trading Session between now and July 12, 2014. It's critical that you're up to speed because Michael will hit the stage running and we don't want you behind the curve. This layover on the tour is only 3 hours, but according to the crew who turned out in Charlotte and Kansas City, it was well worth the flight. Let me add... one of our Partners drove 14 hours EACH WAY.

Are you ready to kick it up a notch? Take it to the next level? Here's your chance. Just like Charlotte and Kansas City, there will be no distractions. This is:




"These are the Good-Old days"


Meet the man behind our plan. A full 3 hour Nuts and Bolts discussion with the primary developer of the
Meet him face to face.
No distractions, just:
  • Michael B.
  • The notorious whiteboard
  • And since we're in Chi town- Pizza's On Me!
He can do it in his head, but I asked him not to show off...

Spending 3 hours with Michael can change your trading forever.
Things get pretty frantic in the Live Trading Room most days, but for 3 hours... time will stand still. Bring every question. You know we have no gimmicks, no rabbit up our sleeve. This is business. This is your business. You want to trade for a living? This is where we leave it all on the table. The minute you walk out of this conference roomWall Street Has A New Address - YOURS!

Make your reservations this weekend to insure a good rate on your flight if flying in. We have quite a few Partners who live in the area, so call Michael to see how many seats are still open. 949-42-EMINI.



Our Online Training Room where Michael teaches every trading day M-F, was recently added to the highly coveted "Top Ten" style list in Futures Truth Magazine.  This award is no small honor and we were incredibly humbled to be recognized for our diligence, transparency and profitability. 

Dr Dean Handley personally turned 517 Trading Rooms inside out, only 13 survived. 

Now YOU have the opportunity to meet one of the two men who played a huge role in CFRN garnering this prestigious recognition.

If you're ready to master:
  • High Probability Trade Setups
  • Proper Use Of The Slingshot
  • Aggressive Risk Management
  • How To Think In Probabilities
  • City - Chicago
  • When - Saturday July 12, 2014
  • Where - Still Checking...
  • What - An afternoon with Michael B. Developer and Master Trader of the


Trading's Not Easy - But It Can Be Simple!




Call us toll free @ 866-928-3310 during normal business hours.

After Dark - email support@cfrn.net or call 949-42-EMINI

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CME EminiSeminar Sponsored by CFRN