A Simple Plan For Daytrading Emini Futures
The "Simple" Plan To Build Your Own Emini Daytrading Business
CFRN is now in our 8th year of broadcasting. When Michael and I were just two struggling traders a few years back, we made a pact. If we ever managed to "crack the code", we agreed we would not only trade for a living, we would also dedicate part of our life, to teaching others how to trade. We know from experience how hard it is to find someone willing to teach you. That's why we don't require a C.C. to take our Free Trial.
Unlike stocks where you need a $25k account balance to daytrade, you can daytrade Emini Futures with an account as small as $3k. You can go short as easily as you go long. With only $500 margin, you control over $75k worth of S&P stock at current prices. For the purpose of daytrading, you can trade 1 S&P Emini Contract for every $500 you have in your account.