The Fundamentals Of Emini Futures Trading
"A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain." Robert Frost
Fundamentals Of Emini Futures Trading
As Technical Analysts by trade, it is often difficult to pick up the newspaper and surmise how the hive mind will choose to react to a given set of circumstances. From hurricanes, to crop reports, to Presidential elections, that fact of the matter is - public opinion does become group action which ultimately turns into ticks on the tote board.
Fundamental Beliefs
It has been suggested on this radio program more than once that technicals front run fundamentals. It's a "beautiful mind" type of argument best reserved for front porches over iced tea. The purpose of this radio program and blog, is to help you the trader do one thing - Earn Money Daily. That's our goal.